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The process for implementing an "add to cart" feature in ASP.NET Core MVC typically involves the following steps:

  1. Create a model for the shopping cart that includes a list of products and their quantities.
  2. Create a view that displays the product details and includes a form with a "Add to Cart" button.
  3. Add a method to the controller for handling the "Add to Cart" form submission. This method should update the shopping cart model with the selected product and quantity.
  4. Add a link or button to the navigation bar that allows the user to view their shopping cart.
  5. Create a view for the shopping cart that displays the list of products and their quantities and includes a form for updating or removing items from the cart.
  6. Add methods to the controller for handling the cart update and removal form submissions.
  7. Add logic to the checkout process for calculating the total cost of the items in the cart and updating the inventory of products.

Overall, implementing an "add to cart" feature in ASP.NET Core MVC requires creating a model for the shopping cart, adding views and forms for the cart and checkout process, and updating the controller methods to handle user interactions with the cart.