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One of the most effective methods of transforming Enum to Set in TypeScript is by using a simple loop. Here's an example:

enum Fruit {
  Apple = 1,
  Banana = 2,
  Orange = 3

const fruitSet = new Set<Fruit>();

for (const key in Fruit) {
  const val = Fruit[key];
  if (typeof val === 'number') {

console.log(fruitSet); // Set { 1, 2, 3 }

In this example, we declare an Enum called Fruit with three values. We then create a new Set called fruitSet and use a for loop to iterate over the keys of the Fruit Enum. We check if the value is a number and if it is, we add it to the fruitSet. After the loop completes, we log the fruitSet to the console, which outputs: Set { 1, 2, 3 }.