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The error message "Unhandled Promise Rejection: Error: No matching state found in storage" can occur when using oidc-react and oidc-client-ts on a MacBookPro M1 due to a mismatch between the state value that is present in the authentication request and the state value that is stored in the storage mechanism (such as cookies or local storage). This can happen if the browser cookies or other storage mechanisms are not properly configured or if there is an issue with the implementation of the storage mechanism.

To fix this issue, you may need to ensure that the storage mechanism is properly configured and make sure that the state value is correctly stored and retrieved. You may also need to verify that the client ID and redirect URI values are correct and that the authentication request is properly formed. Additionally, you may need to update the versions of oidc-react and oidc-client-ts, or try using a different browser or machine to see if the issue persists.