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To incorporate superscripts in a forest.meta plot, you can follow these steps:

  1. Create a data frame that includes the variables for the outcome, treatment, and the superscript text.
  2. Use the metaforest function from the meta package to create the forest plot.
  3. In the text argument, include the variable for the superscript text using the bquote function to format it as superscript.
  4. Use the argument to display the confidence intervals on the plot.
  5. Customize the plot using the various metaforest arguments and ggplot2 functions.

Here is an example code that incorporates superscripts in a forest.meta plot using the mtcars dataset:

```{r} library(meta)

Create a data frame with variables for the outcome, treatment, and superscript text

df <- data.frame( Study = rownames(mtcars), Estimate = mtcars$mpg, Lower = mtcars$mpg - 3, Upper = mtcars$mpg + 3, Treat = ifelse(mtcars$am == 0, "Manual", "Automatic"), Text = ifelse(mtcars$gear == 3, "3^rd", "") )

Create a forest.meta plot with superscripts

metaforest( df$Estimate, df$Lower, df$Upper, study = df$Study, xlab = "Miles Per Gallon", ilab = paste(df$Treat, "Transmission"), text = bquote(italic("Gear: "), .(df$Text)), = TRUE, col = c("#1b9e77", "#d95f02"), xlim = c(10, 40), cex.axis = 1.2, cex.lab = 1.5 ) ```

This will create a forest.meta plot with superscripts for the "Gear" variable, indicating the third gear in each study's manual transmission.