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initial version
  1. Understand the purpose of the CURL command and identify the equivalent functionality in PL/SQL.

  2. Decompose the CURL command into its constituent parts:

    • The URL being accessed
    • Request headers
    • Request method (GET, POST, PUT, etc.)
    • Request body (if any)
  3. Create the PL/SQL code to replicate the functionality of the CURL command, using the following basic steps:

    • Set up a HTTP request object
    • Set the URL, method, headers, and body on the request object
    • Execute the request object and retrieve the response
  4. Test the PL/SQL code to ensure that it returns the expected results.

  5. Refine and optimize the PL/SQL code by revisiting the CURL command and examining the HTTP traffic it generates, as well as tweaking the code until it accurately replicates the original CURL command.