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initial version
  1. Install necessary extensions: Check if there are any extensions available that can help with loading assets automatically. For example, the "Auto Import" extension can automatically add import statements for modules you are using.

  2. Configure settings: Check if there are any settings in Visual Studio Code that can be configured to load assets automatically. For example, the "import statement" setting can be set to "on" to automatically load necessary files.

  3. Use package.json: Modify the "dependencies" section in your project's package.json file to ensure that necessary assets are loaded when the project is launched.

  4. Use module resolution: Use the "module resolution" feature in TypeScript or JavaScript to specify the location of necessary modules within the project.

  5. Create aliases: Create aliases within the project to reference necessary assets using a user-defined name or shortcut. This can simplify the process of loading assets and improve code readability.