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VOB (Video Object) files are a type of video file format typically found on DVDs. They contain video, audio, and subtitle streams, as well as menu and navigation information, all multiplexed together into a single file. VOB files are usually stored in the "VIDEOTS" folder on a DVD and follow a specific naming convention, such as VTS011.VOB, VTS01_2.VOB, and so on.

The video in VOB files is usually encoded using the MPEG-2 codec, while audio can be encoded using various formats such as PCM, Dolby Digital (AC-3), or DTS. Subtitles are usually stored as bitmap images.

Although VOB files are closely associated with DVDs, you can still play them on many media players that support the MPEG-2 format. Some video editing software can also work with VOB files, allowing you to edit or convert them to other formats. However, you may need to use specialized software or convert the files to a more widely-supported format if you encounter compatibility issues.