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Assuming the singular row to be excluded is known, one method for computing the overall sum of a dataframe excluding that row is as follows:

import pandas as pd

# create example dataframe
df = pd.DataFrame({'A': [1, 2, 3, 4], 'B': [5, 6, 7, 8]})

# identify and exclude row from dataframe
exclude_index = 2
df_exclude = df.drop(exclude_index)

# compute overall sum of remaining dataframe
sum_exclude = df_exclude.sum().sum()


  • First, we create an example dataframe df with two columns (A and B) and four rows.
  • Next, we identify the row to be excluded by its index (exclude_index = 2) and create a new dataframe df_exclude that excludes that row using the drop() method.
  • Then, we compute the overall sum of the remaining dataframe df_exclude by first summing each column with .sum() and then taking the sum of those sums with a second .sum() function.
  • Finally, we print the resulting sum (sum_exclude).