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Implementing Dark Mode:

  1. Create a separate CSS file for your dark mode design.
  2. Add a class name in your HTML code for elements that you want to apply the dark mode design.
  3. Use CSS media queries to detect if the user's device supports dark mode.
  4. Toggle the class name of the HTML element to switch between light and dark mode.

Merging Two Distinct Web Pages:

  1. Identify the common elements between the two web pages, such as header, footer, and navigation menu.
  2. Create a new HTML file that will serve as the combined version of the two web pages.
  3. Copy and paste the common elements from the two web pages into the new HTML file.
  4. For the unique content of each web page, create a new section or div tags in the new HTML file.
  5. Cut and paste the unique content into the appropriate section of the new HTML file.
  6. Use CSS to style the content according to your preferences.
  7. Test and debug the new combined web page.