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To add attachments to Mailgun using Laravel, follow these steps:

  1. Install the Mailgun API client for Laravel using Composer:
composer require mailgun/mailgun-php:^3.0
  1. Set up your Mailgun credentials in the config/services.php file:
'mailgun' => [
    'domain' => env('MAILGUN_DOMAIN'),
    'secret' => env('MAILGUN_SECRET'),
  1. Add the MAIL_MAILER and MAIL_FROM_ADDRESS variables to your .env file:
  1. Use the Mailgun API client to send an email with attachments in Laravel. Here is an example:
use Mailgun\Mailgun;

$mgClient = new Mailgun(config('services.mailgun.secret'));
$domain = config('services.mailgun.domain');

$mgClient->messages()->send($domain, [
    'from' => '',
    'to' => '',
    'subject' => 'Your Subject',
    'html' => '<h1>Mailgun HTML email with attachments</h1>',
    'attachment' => [
            'filePath' => '/path/to/attachment1.txt',
            'filename' => 'attachment1.txt'
            'filePath' => '/path/to/attachment2.pdf',
            'filename' => 'attachment2.pdf'

In this example, we used the Mailgun API client to send an email with two attachments: attachment1.txt and attachment2.pdf. The attachments are specified using their file paths and filenames.

That's it! You can now send emails with attachments using Mailgun in Laravel.