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You can retrieve primary keys containing Unicode characters in MySQL by using the correct character set encoding and collation.

First, make sure that your MySQL database is using a Unicode encoding such as UTF-8. You can check the current encoding and collation settings of your database by running the following command:

SHOW VARIABLES LIKE 'character_set_database';
SHOW VARIABLES LIKE 'collation_database';

If the results show a non-Unicode encoding, you can change it by modifying the my.cnf or my.ini file and restarting the MySQL server.

Once you have confirmed that your database is using a Unicode encoding, you can query for primary keys containing Unicode characters by specifying the correct encoding and collation in your SQL query. For example:

SELECT * FROM my_table WHERE id = CONVERT(_utf8'ایدی', 'utf8') COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci;

This query selects all records from the my_table table where the id column is equal to the Unicode string ایدی. The CONVERT() function ensures that the string is encoded using the UTF-8 encoding, and the COLLATE clause specifies the correct collation for comparing Unicode strings.

Note that you may need to adjust the encoding and collation settings based on the specific Unicode characters and language used in your database.