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If you have attempted three methods to locate the SHA1 value for your android project but have been unsuccessful, here are a few steps you can follow:

  1. Check your project configuration: Make sure that your project is set up properly and that your development environment is correctly configured.

  2. Check your debug key: If you are using the debug version of your app, make sure that you are using the correct debug key. You can find this in the Gradle file.

  3. Try a different method: If you have tried three methods, try to find a different method. For example, you can use the Android Debug Bridge (ADB) to generate a SHA1 fingerprint.

  4. Check your documentation: Make sure that you are following the correct steps in your documentation and that you have all the necessary files and settings.

  5. Reach out for help: If you still cannot find the SHA1 value, reach out for help on a developer forum or seek support from your development team or community.

Remember, the SHA1 value is important for many features of your android project, so it's essential to find it.