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There could be several reasons why curl is timing out while attempting to create services:

  1. Firewall: It's possible that a firewall is blocking the curl requests. Check if there are any firewalls in place that could be preventing traffic to and from the Minikube IP and ports.

  2. Connectivity: Ensure that there is network connectivity from the network where the curl command is executed to the network where the Minikube cluster is running.

  3. Network Configuration: Check if the network configuration on the machine running the curl command is set up correctly.

  4. Resource Limitations: Check if the Minikube VM has enough resources to run the services. It could be that the VM is not allocated enough RAM or CPU, causing the services to time out.

  5. Kubernetes Configuration: Check if the Kubernetes configuration for the service is correct. The service might not be defined correctly, causing the curl requests to fail.