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The steps to utilize Java Spring Boot cache are as follows:

  1. Add the Spring Boot Starter Cache dependency to your project.

  2. Create a caching configuration class with the @Configuration annotation and the @EnableCaching annotation.

  3. Define a cache manager bean in the caching configuration class. You can use any cache manager implementation that Spring supports, such as the ConcurrentMapCacheManager, RedisCacheManager, or EhCacheCacheManager.

  4. Use the @Cacheable annotation on methods that need to be cached. This annotation ensures that the method's result is stored in the cache and will be returned from the cache when the method is called with the same parameters.

  5. Use the @CacheEvict annotation on methods that modify the data that is being cached. This annotation ensures that the cache is cleared when the method is called.

  6. Use the @CachePut annotation on methods that update the data that is being cached. This annotation ensures that the data is updated in the cache with the method's result.

  7. If you need to customize the cache behavior, you can use additional annotations such as @CacheConfig, @CacheableCondition, or @CacheableKey.

  8. Test your caching implementation to ensure that it is working correctly.