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Yes, it is possible to incorporate formatting for imported text using tkinter.

One way to do this is to use the Text widget in tkinter which allows for the insertion and manipulation of formatted text.

For example, if you wanted to format some imported text as bold, you could use the Text widget's "tagconfigure" method to create a "bold" tag, and then apply that tag to the desired text using the "tagadd" method.

Here is an example code snippet for formatting imported text as bold in a Text widget:

from tkinter import * # create the tkinter window and Text widget root = Tk() text = Text(root) text.pack() # import the plain text and insert into the Text widget plain_text = "This is some imported text." text.insert(END, plain_text) # configure a "bold" tag for the Text widget text.tag_configure("bold", font=("TkDefaultFont", 12, "bold")) # apply the "bold" tag to the desired text text.tag_add("bold", "1.0", "1.4") root.mainloop() 

In this example, the imported text "This" will be formatted as bold using the "bold" tag that was applied to the Text widget.