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There can be multiple reasons for the inability to commit and push modifications to the CodeCommit repository using AWS CodeBuild, including:

  1. Incorrect IAM permissions: The AWS CodeBuild service requires appropriate IAM permissions to access and modify the CodeCommit repository. If the IAM policy does not have the required permissions, CodeBuild won't be able to commit and push changes.

  2. Incorrect repository settings: The repository settings may not be configured correctly. For example, if the repository is set to read-only mode or if the user has no write permission, they won't be able to commit and push changes.

  3. Timed-out connection: Sometimes, AWS CodeBuild may not be able to connect to the CodeCommit repository successfully if the connection timed out. In such cases, it's best to check the network settings and retry the operation.

  4. Incorrect credentials: If the credentials provided to CodeBuild are incorrect or outdated, users won't be able to authenticate and commit changes to the CodeCommit repository.

  5. Conflict in repository version: There may be conflicts when attempting to overwrite an existing version of a file within a CodeCommit repository. This can happen if another user has made changes to the same file after the last commit from the CodeBuild process.