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There are several possible solutions to the issue of being unable to load the image asset in Flutter error related to the pubspec file:

  1. Check that the file path in the pubspec.yaml file matches the actual file path of the image asset.

  2. Make sure that the image asset file exists in the specified directory.

  3. Run the flutter clean command to clear the cache and rebuild the project.

  4. If the image asset is in a subdirectory, make sure to include the subdirectory path in the pubspec.yaml file.

  5. Check the file permissions and make sure that the image asset file is not set to read-only.

  6. If the image asset is a network image, make sure that the device has an active internet connection.

  7. If none of the above solutions work, try importing the image asset using the AssetImage widget instead of the Image.asset widget.

  8. If you are still facing issues, reach out to the Flutter community for support.