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One way to substitute text strings in an Excel range with values from another table that contain hyperlinks is to use the following steps:

  1. Create a table with two columns, one containing the text strings that need to be replaced and the other containing the corresponding hyperlink values.

  2. Select the range of cells containing the text strings that need to be replaced.

  3. Open the "Find and Replace" dialog box (shortcut key: Ctrl+H).

  4. In the "Find what" field, input the text string that needs to be replaced.

  5. In the "Replace with" field, input the following formula: =HYPERLINK(VLOOKUP(A1,Table2,2,FALSE))

  6. Replace "Table2" with the name of the table containing the hyperlink values.

  7. Click the "Replace All" button.

  8. Excel will substitute the text strings in the selected range with the corresponding values from the other table, which will be displayed as hyperlinks.