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To establish a connection between SonarLint and SonarQube on VS Code, follow these steps:

  1. Install SonarLint and SonarQube extensions on VS Code.

  2. Open VS Code and go to the settings page by pressing Ctrl+, or by selecting "File" > "Preferences" > "Settings".

  3. Search for "SonarLint" in the search bar and expand the section.

  4. Set the value of "SonarLint: Connect to SonarQube or SonarCloud" to "True" and provide the URL of your SonarQube server.

  5. Enter the credentials for the SonarQube server, if required.

  6. In the same SonarLint settings section, set the "SonarLint: Project Key" to the key of the project you want to analyze.

  7. Save the settings.

  8. Open a file in VS Code and SonarLint will automatically start analyzing the code and show issues in the "Problems" view.

  9. To view and manage issues on the SonarQube server, go to the SonarQube extension panel and provide the server credentials.

  10. You can also configure other SonarLint settings, such as rule sets and exclusion paths, in the VS Code settings.