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One possible solution to resolve the issue of being stuck in /dev/sda3 and recovering journal in Ubuntu 22.04 Virtual Machine is as follows:

  1. Shut down the Ubuntu 22.04 Virtual Machine and make sure it is not running.

  2. Restart the Virtual Machine and access the GRUB boot loader menu by pressing and holding the Shift key while the Virtual Machine is booting up.

  3. Select the Advanced Options for Ubuntu option and then select the recovery mode option from the list of choices.

  4. Once you are in the recovery mode menu, select the fsck option to check and repair the file system.

  5. Follow the on-screen prompts to complete the file system check and repair.

  6. Reboot the Virtual Machine once the file system check and repair process is complete.

  7. Check if the issue has been resolved and the Virtual Machine is booting up properly.

If the above solution does not resolve the issue, you can try other troubleshooting steps such as:

  • Running a disk check utility such as Smartmontools to check for any physical disk errors.

  • Checking the virtual hard disk settings and configurations to make sure they are correctly set up.

  • Reinstalling the Virtual Machine and restoring from a backup if available.