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There could be a few reasons for having duplicate products in a requisition when using Spring Boot:

  1. Code issues: The code that fetches and displays the products may contain bugs that cause it to retrieve the same product multiple times. This is often due to incorrect use of loops or iterators.

  2. Database issues: The database that stores the products may contain duplicates due to incorrect database design, synchronization issues, or data migration errors.

  3. User input errors: Users may accidentally select the same product multiple times, or add the same product to the cart multiple times.

  4. API issues: If the product data is being retrieved from an external API, the API might be sending back duplicates due to its own data handling issues.

To fix this issue, you can identify the root cause and implement appropriate solutions such as fixing code issues, modifying the database design, implementing input validations, or working with the external API to receive clean data.