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There could be many reasons why an image may not be shown in ASP.NET MVC, and the resolution will depend on the specific cause. Some potential solutions could include:

  1. Check the image path: Ensure that the file path for the image is correct and that it is actually located where it is supposed to be.

  2. Check the spelling and file extension: Double-check that the file name and extension are correct for the image file.

  3. Check the server permissions: Make sure that the server has permission to access and display the image file.

  4. Check the HTML: Ensure that the HTML code for displaying the image is correct and that the image source path is properly set.

  5. Check for any ad blockers: Sometimes, ad blockers can block images from appearing on a website. Suggest disabling any ad blockers and see if the image appears.

  6. Check the image format: Different browsers support different image formats, so it's important to ensure that the image is in a supported format for the browsers being used.

If none of these solutions work, you may need to consult with a developer or webmaster to further investigate the issue.