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Here is a possible procedure to eliminate lines from a .txt file in UiPath that have dates that are overdue by more than 30 days:

  1. Create a read text file activity to read the .txt file into a string variable.
  2. Create a write text file activity to write the filtered data back to the same file or a new file.
  3. Use a for each line activity to loop through each line in the string variable.
  4. Use a regular expression activity or string manipulation techniques to extract the date from each line.
  5. Convert the extracted date to a date type using the ParseExact method from the datetime class.
  6. Use the current date and subtract 30 days to create a datetime variable representing the date threshold.
  7. Compare the extracted date with the date threshold using the CompareTo method from the datetime class.
  8. If the extracted date is earlier than the threshold, add the line to a new string variable containing the filtered data.
  9. After the loop, use the write text file activity to write the filtered data back to the .txt file.

Here is an example workflow that implements this procedure:

  1. Read Text File activity: Read .txt file into a string variable "inputText"
  2. Assign Activity: Create another string variable "filteredText" and assign it an empty string
  3. For Each Activity: For each line in "inputText", do the following:
  4. Matches Activity: Use a regular expression to extract the date from the line (example: \d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2})
  5. Assign Activity: Convert the extracted date string to a DateTime object using the ParseExact method
  6. Assign Activity: Create a DateTime variable representing the date threshold ("thresholdDate") by subtracting 30 days from current date
  7. If Activity: Compare extracted date with the threshold date. If it is earlier, do the following:
  8. Assign Activity: Add the line (with the extracted date) to the "filteredText" variable
  9. Write Text File activity: Write the "filteredText" variable to a new or the same .txt file.