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To configure the Material UI DataGrid's initial state filter model specifically for dates, follow these steps:

  1. Define the initial state of the filter model for dates.
const initialDateFilters = {
  dateFrom: null,
  dateTo: null,
  1. Create a custom filter operator for the date filter type.
import { GridFilterOperatorValue } from '@material-ui/data-grid';

type DateOperator = 'isAfter' | 'isBefore' | 'isOnOrAfter' | 'isOnOrBefore' | 'isBetween';

const dateOperators: { [key in DateOperator]: GridFilterOperatorValue } = {
  isAfter: {
    label: 'Is after',
    value: '>',
    getApplyFilterFn: (filterItem) => (params) => {
      const cellDate = new Date(params.value);
      const filterDate = new Date(filterItem.value);
      return cellDate > filterDate;
  // add more operators as needed
  1. Define the date filter model for the DataGrid.
import { GridFilterModel } from '@material-ui/data-grid';

interface DateFilterModel extends GridFilterModel {
  dateFrom: {
    value: Date | null;
    operatorValue: string;
  dateTo: {
    value: Date | null;
    operatorValue: string;

const initialFilterModel: DateFilterModel = {
  items: [],
  dateFrom: {
    value: null,
    operatorValue: 'isOnOrAfter',
  dateTo: {
    value: null,
    operatorValue: 'isOnOrBefore',
  1. Define the column with the custom filter operator.
import { GridColDef } from '@material-ui/data-grid';

const columns: GridColDef[] = [
    field: 'date',
    headerName: 'Date',
    filterOperators: dateOperators,
    filterable: true,
    filterType: 'date',
    valueGetter: (params) => new Date(params.value).toLocaleDateString(),
  // add more columns as needed
  1. Pass the initial state filter model, custom filter operator, and column definition to the DataGrid.
import { DataGrid, GridFilterModel } from '@material-ui/data-grid';

function MyGrid() {
  const [dateFilters, setDateFilters] = React.useState(initialDateFilters);
  const handleFilterChange = (model: GridFilterModel) => {
    setDateFilters(model as DateFilterModel);
  return (