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There could be a few reasons why you are still encountering a Unicode Decode Error even though you are using the correct encoding:

  1. The encoding you are specifying may not be correct. Double-check that the encoding you are specifying matches the encoding of the text you are trying to decode.

  2. The text you are trying to decode may contain characters that are not supported by the encoding you are using. Try using a different encoding or converting the text to a different format.

  3. There may be hidden characters or formatting in the text that are causing the error. Try cleaning up the text before decoding it by removing any extra whitespace or special characters.

  4. The error may be occurring in a different part of your code than where you are specifying the encoding. Check for any other instances where text is being decoded or encoded and make sure the correct encoding is used.

Overall, Unicode Decode Errors can be tricky to diagnose and fix. It's important to carefully examine the text and code involved to determine the root cause of the error.