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One approach to calculate pairwise mutual information using numpy is as follows:

  1. Load your data as a numpy array.
  2. Define a function to calculate mutual information between two variables.
  3. Use nested loops, one for each pair of variables, to calculate the mutual information between each pair of variables.
  4. Create a matrix or dataframe to store the mutual information values for each pair of variables.

Here's an example code snippet:

import numpy as np
from sklearn.metrics import mutual_info_score

# load data as a numpy array
data = np.loadtxt("data.csv", delimiter=",")

# define function to calculate mutual information
def calc_mutual_info(x, y):
    return mutual_info_score(x, y)

# initialize matrix to store mutual info values
n_vars = data.shape[1]
mi_matrix = np.zeros((n_vars, n_vars))

# calculate mutual information between each pair of variables
for i in range(n_vars):
    for j in range(i+1, n_vars):
        mi = calc_mutual_info(data[:,i], data[:,j])
        mi_matrix[i,j] = mi
        mi_matrix[j,i] = mi

# display results

Note that we use sklearn.metrics.mutual_info_score to calculate the mutual information between two variables. We also use a nested loop to calculate the mutual information between each pair of variables, assuming that the data is stored as a matrix where each column represents a variable. Finally, we store the results in a matrix where each element represents the mutual information between two variables.