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  1. Using Spring Security: Spring Security is a powerful and highly customizable framework that provides a range of authentication and authorization features. It is fully integrated with Spring 4.0, making it easy to use and configure.

  2. Using Spring Boot: Spring Boot is a popular framework that simplifies the process of setting up and configuring a Spring application. It includes many features that help eliminate boilerplate code and make it easier to secure the application, including support for basic authentication.

  3. Using Spring MVC Restful Web Services: Spring 4.0 includes a range of enhancements to Spring MVC, including support for building Restful web services. This makes it easy to create endpoints that expose only the necessary functionality to authenticated users, reducing the amount of code that needs to be written.

  4. Using Spring Data JPA: Spring Data JPA is a framework that simplifies the process of working with databases in a Spring application. It includes many features that help eliminate boilerplate code and make it easier to perform basic authentication, including support for encrypted passwords and user authentication.