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There are several measures that can be taken to improve the precision of the Random Forest Classifier:

  1. Increase the number of trees – Increasing the number of trees in the forest can improve the precision of the classifier.

  2. Reduce the depth of trees – Reducing the depth of trees in the forest can help prevent overfitting, which can improve the precision of the classifier.

  3. Reduce the minimum number of samples required to split a node – Reducing the minimum number of samples required to split a node can increase the number of splits, which can improve the precision of the classifier.

  4. Optimize hyperparameters – Hyperparameters such as the max features, max depth, and min samples leaf can be optimized to improve the precision of the classifier.

  5. Choose optimal features – Choosing the optimal set of features can help improve the precision of the classifier.

  6. Balance the dataset – Balancing the dataset can help prevent the classifier from being biased towards the majority class, which can improve the precision of the classifier.

  7. Use ensemble techniques – Using techniques such as bagging or boosting can help improve the precision of the classifier.