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initial version
  1. Use a slim base image: Choose a lightweight Linux distribution such as Alpine Linux that has a small base image and minimal package dependencies.

  2. Cache dependencies: Use a package manager such as apt or yum to cache dependencies which can improve build times and efficiency.

  3. Optimize build settings: Optimize build settings by configuring the build system to use multi-core processing and caching intermediate files.

  4. Leverage incremental build: Use incremental build techniques to avoid recompiling unchanged code.

  5. Use a distributed build service: Use a distributed build service which can help to distribute the build process across multiple machines.

  6. Avoid unnecessary operations: Reduce unnecessary file system operations and avoid running commands that can slow down the build process.

  7. Use best-practices: Follow best-practices such as keeping the Dockerfile and build scripts version-controlled and optimizing the container image for production use.