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The Excel Nested IF function can be used with the INDEX MATCH function as follows:

  1. Start by using the INDEX MATCH function to find the value you are looking for in a table or array.

  2. Next, add the Nested IF function to check if the value found by the INDEX MATCH function meets certain conditions.

  3. If the value meets the first condition, return a specific result. If it doesn't meet the first condition, move on to the second condition and return a different result, and so on.

  4. Here's an example of how it could be used: =IF(INDEX(Table1,MATCH(A1,Table1[Column1],0),2)<5,"Low",IF(INDEX(Table1,MATCH(A1,Table1[Column1],0),2)<10,"Medium","High"))

In this example, the nested IF function checks the value found by the INDEX MATCH function against two conditions, returning "Low" if the value is less than 5, "Medium" if it's less than 10, and "High" for all other values.