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There could be several reasons for an Android widget not working after updating, including:

  1. Compatibility issues: The new version of the OS may not be compatible with the widget.

  2. Incompatibility with third-party launchers: Widgets may not work properly after updating if a third-party launcher is being used.

  3. App update: An update to the app that the widget belongs to may be required in order for it to work properly.

  4. App cache: Clearing the cache of the app that the widget belongs to may help resolve the issue.

  5. Widget settings: The settings of the widget may have been reset during the update, and the widget needs to be reconfigured.

  6. Battery optimization: Battery optimization may be preventing the widget from working properly, and the settings may need to be adjusted.

  7. System updates: System updates may also cause issues with widgets, as they may require changes to the OS that affect widget function.