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In PHP, how can I get the directory of a patent script in an included script?

In PHP, you can use the __DIR__ magic constant to get the directory of the current script, and debug_backtrace() function to get the directory of the parent script (the script that included the current script).

Here's an example:


<?php // Include the child script include 'child_script.php'; 


<?php // Get the directory of the current script (child_script.php) $childScriptDirectory = __DIR__; echo "Child script directory: $childScriptDirectory\n"; // Get the directory of the parent script (parent_script.php) $backtrace = debug_backtrace(); $parentScriptPath = $backtrace[0]['file']; $parentScriptDirectory = dirname($parentScriptPath); echo "Parent script directory: $parentScriptDirectory\n"; 

When you run parent_script.php, the output will show the directories of both the child and parent scripts.

In PHP, how can I get the directory of a patent script in an included script?

In PHP, you can use the __DIR__ magic constant to get the directory of the current script, and debug_backtrace() function to get the directory of the parent script (the script that included the current script).

Here's an example:


<?php php
// Include the child script include 'child_script.php'; script
include 'child_script.php';


<?php <?php
// Get the directory of the current script (child_script.php) $childScriptDirectory = __DIR__; echo (child_script.php)
$childScriptDirectory = __DIR__;
echo "Child script directory: $childScriptDirectory\n";$childScriptDirectory\n";
  // Get the directory of the parent script (parent_script.php) $backtrace = debug_backtrace(); $parentScriptPath = $backtrace[0]['file']; $parentScriptDirectory = dirname($parentScriptPath); echo (parent_script.php)
$backtrace = debug_backtrace();
$parentScriptPath = $backtrace[0]['file'];
$parentScriptDirectory = dirname($parentScriptPath);
echo "Parent script directory: $parentScriptDirectory\n"; $parentScriptDirectory\n";

When you run parent_script.php, the output will show the directories of both the child and parent scripts.

In PHP, how can I get the directory of a patent script in an included script?

In PHP, you can use the __DIR__ magic constant to get the directory of the current script, and debug_backtrace() function to get the directory of the parent script (the script that included the current script).

Here's an example:


// Include the child script
include 'child_script.php';


// Get the directory of the current script (child_script.php)
$childScriptDirectory = __DIR__;
echo "Child script directory: $childScriptDirectory\n";
 // Get the directory of the parent script (parent_script.php)
$backtrace = debug_backtrace();
 $parentScriptPath = $backtrace[0]['file'];
$parentScriptDirectory = dirname($parentScriptPath);
echo "Parent script directory: $parentScriptDirectory\n";

When you run parent_script.php, the output will show the directories of both the child and parent scripts.