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Is there a simple and fast method to transfer data from SQLite3 to MySQL?

asked 2023-02-23 11:00:00 +0000

david gravatar image

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answered 2022-10-14 12:00:00 +0000

woof gravatar image

Yes, there are several methods to transfer data from SQLite3 to MySQL. One of the simplest and fastest methods is to use a command-line tool called "mysqldump".

Here are the steps to transfer data from SQLite3 to MySQL using mysqldump:

  1. Export the SQLite3 database to a SQL file using the command:

    $ sqlite3 db.sqlite3 .dump > dump.sql

    This will create a file called dump.sql in the current directory that contains the SQL commands to recreate the database.

  2. Create the MySQL database using the command:

    $ mysql -u username -p < create.sql

    This assumes that there is a file called create.sql that contains the SQL commands to create the database schema.

  3. Import the data from the SQLite3 dump file into the MySQL database using the command:

    $ mysql -u username -p dbname < dump.sql

    This will import the data from the dump.sql file into the dbname database.

Note that this method assumes that the schema of the SQLite3 and MySQL databases are similar. If there are differences in the schema, you may need to manually modify the dump.sql file before importing it into MySQL.

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Asked: 2023-02-23 11:00:00 +0000

Seen: 18 times

Last updated: Oct 14 '22