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What are the steps to fix the exception error that occurs during the building of a Flutter app, resulting in a failed build?

asked 2021-10-25 11:00:00 +0000

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answered 2022-01-13 07:00:00 +0000

djk gravatar image
  1. Read the error message carefully: The first step is to read the error message very carefully and understand what went wrong during the build process.

  2. Check the code: After understanding the error message, inspect the code and determine if there is an error in the syntax, a missing library, a wrong parameter assignment or any other code-related error that led to the exception.

  3. Check dependencies: Dependencies not installed or giving the wrong version could also result in an exception error during the build process. Check the dependencies and update them if necessary.

  4. Clear cache: Clear the cache directory of the application by running the "flutter clean" command in the terminal. This removes any cached build output that might be causing the problem.

  5. Update Flutter and Dart SDKs: Upgrade Flutter and Dart SDKs to their latest versions. This can be done using the "flutter upgrade" command.

  6. Restart your IDE or terminal: Sometimes, starting the IDE or terminal fresh could help resolve some build issues.

  7. Run flutter doctor: The command "flutter doctor" will check the system for any dependencies that need to be installed or updated.

  8. Contact the Flutter community: If all options have been exhausted and the error still persists, it maybe useful to seek help from the Flutter community. This can be done through the Flutter Discord channel or the Stack Overflow Flutter community.

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Asked: 2021-10-25 11:00:00 +0000

Seen: 8 times

Last updated: Jan 13 '22