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What is the process for modifying the label list in agglomerative clustering?

asked 2022-09-26 11:00:00 +0000

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answered 2021-11-20 14:00:00 +0000

lalupa gravatar image

The process for modifying the label list in agglomerative clustering depends on the specific implementation being used. However, in general, the following steps may apply:

  1. Define the algorithm: Choose the agglomerative clustering algorithm that will be used to cluster the data.

  2. Input data: Import or generate the data to be clustered.

  3. Generate the initial label list: The initial label list consists of each data point in the input data set represented as a separate cluster.

  4. Compute distance matrix: Compute distance (or similarity) between each pair of data points in the input data set.

  5. Merge clusters: The algorithm merges the two closest clusters into a single cluster according to a linkage criterion, such as single linkage, complete linkage or average linkage.

  6. Update the label list: After each merge, update the label list with the new cluster.

  7. Determine when to stop merging: The algorithm continues to merge the closest clusters until all data points have been merged into a single cluster, or until a stopping criterion (such as a certain number of clusters) is reached.

  8. Modify the label list: Once the clustering is complete, the label list can be modified by manually reassigning labels to individual clusters or by merging similar clusters.

  9. Evaluate the clustering performance: Evaluate the clustering performance by comparing the labels assigned to the clusters with a known ground truth, if available.

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Asked: 2022-09-26 11:00:00 +0000

Seen: 11 times

Last updated: Nov 20 '21