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What is the process of making a directory within Flutter's local storage or external storage?

asked 2021-07-12 11:00:00 +0000

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answered 2022-08-22 00:00:00 +0000

huitzilopochtli gravatar image

To create a directory within Flutter's local storage or external storage, you can use the path_provider package, which provides a way to access the device's file system.

Here is an example code snippet:

import 'dart:io';
import 'package:path_provider/path_provider.dart';

createDirectory() async {
  // Get the directory where the app can store files.
  Directory appDir = await getApplicationDocumentsDirectory();

  // Create a new directory named "myDirectory".
  Directory newDir = await Directory('${appDir.path}/myDirectory').create();

  // Check if the directory was created successfully.
  if (await newDir.exists()) {
    print('Directory created successfully!');

In this example, we are using the getApplicationDocumentsDirectory() method from path_provider to get the directory where the app can store files. We then create a new directory named myDirectory within this directory using the Directory.create() method.

You can also use the externalStorageDirectory() method to get the external storage directory, which is accessible by other apps as well. However, you will need to request the WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE permission in your app's manifest file to write to this directory.

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Asked: 2021-07-12 11:00:00 +0000

Seen: 8 times

Last updated: Aug 22 '22