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Why does the alert appear only when I click on something else?

asked 2023-01-01 11:00:00 +0000

nofretete gravatar image

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answered 2023-02-10 12:00:00 +0000

woof gravatar image

There could be several reasons why the alert appears only when you click on something else. One possible explanation could be that the alert is triggered by a specific event, and that event is not happening until you interact with the page in a certain way. Another possibility is that there is a bug or coding error in the website or application causing the alert to be delayed. It is also possible that the alert is intentionally designed to be triggered after a delay, in order to give the user time to complete a specific task before being alerted. Without more information, it is difficult to determine the exact cause of the issue.

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Asked: 2023-01-01 11:00:00 +0000

Seen: 10 times

Last updated: Feb 10 '23