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The use of @Entity in H2 database with Spring Tool Suite is not resulting in the creation of the required table. Can you explain why?

asked 2021-04-18 11:00:00 +0000

scrum gravatar image

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answered 2021-04-12 04:00:00 +0000

nofretete gravatar image

There can be multiple reasons why the @Entity annotation in H2 database with Spring Tool Suite is not resulting in the creation of the required table:

  1. Incorrect Configuration: Verify that the configuration of the database connection is correct, and the database is accessible. Ensure that the correct database configuration details such as URL, username, and password are mentioned in the properties file.

  2. JPA Configuration: Make sure that the JPA configuration is set up correctly. Verify that the entity classes have been correctly configured, and the database dialect is set correctly. Verify that the database schema is being created or updated by the property.

  3. Incorrect Annotations: Check if the @Table and @Column annotations attached to the entity class and its fields are defined correctly according to the table schema.

  4. Naming Conventions: Check if the naming conventions for the entity classes and database tables are appropriate. The table name expects to be in plural and follows the CamelCase convention.

  5. Database Drivers: Ensure that the database driver dependencies are present in the project's classpath. The absence of these drivers can result in errors in establishing database connections.

  6. Logging: Turn on the logging feature of the JPA and check the logs for any error or warning messages. Logging should provide useful information about errors or wrong configurations.

By checking these possible reasons, you can identify and resolve the issue preventing the @Entity annotation from creating the required table.

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Asked: 2021-04-18 11:00:00 +0000

Seen: 12 times

Last updated: Apr 12 '21