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Need a Function in Python to remove entries less than 2 digits from an Array

asked 2023-04-05 09:23:29 +0000

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updated 2023-04-05 10:29:19 +0000

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answered 2023-04-05 09:24:28 +0000

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updated 2023-04-07 18:31:37 +0000

def remove_less_than_two_digits(arr):
    return [num for num in arr if len(str(num)) >= 2]

Here, the function takes an array arr as input and returns a new list that only contains elements with two or more digits. It does this by iterating through each element in the input array, converting it to a string using str(num), and then checking if its length is greater than or equal to 2 using len(str(num)) >= 2. If the element meets this criteria, it is added to the new list using a list comprehension.

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Asked: 2023-04-05 09:23:29 +0000

Seen: 19 times

Last updated: Apr 07 '23