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What is the method for adjusting the size of a panel to align with the screen resolution of the user?

asked 2023-02-08 11:00:00 +0000

david gravatar image

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answered 2021-07-27 20:00:00 +0000

devzero gravatar image

There are different methods for adjusting panel sizes to align with the screen resolution of the user, depending on the programming language and framework being used. Here are some common approaches:

  1. CSS media queries: With Cascading Style Sheets (CSS), developers can use media queries to create rules for different screen sizes. For example:

    @media screen and (max-width: 800px) { .my-panel { width: 100%; } }

    @media screen and (min-width: 801px) { .my-panel { width: 80%; } }

This code sets the width of the ".my-panel" class to 100% when the screen width is less than or equal to 800 pixels, and to 80% when the screen width is greater than 800 pixels.

  1. JavaScript: Developers can also use JavaScript to adjust panel sizes dynamically based on the screen resolution. For example:

    var panel = document.getElementById("my-panel"); var screenWidth = window.innerWidth;

    if (screenWidth < 800) { = "100%"; } else { = "80%"; }

This code uses the "window.innerWidth" property to get the current screen width, and changes the "width" style property of the panel accordingly.

  1. Responsive frameworks: Many web development frameworks like Bootstrap, Foundation, or Materialize come with built-in classes and components that make it easy to create responsive layouts. For example, in Bootstrap, you could use the "col-" classes to define how many columns a panel should occupy depending on the screen size:


This code creates a row with two columns that occupy 12 and 8 columns respectively on large screens, and stack on top of each other on smaller screens. The panel inside the second column will automatically adjust its size to fit the available space.

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Asked: 2023-02-08 11:00:00 +0000

Seen: 8 times

Last updated: Jul 27 '21