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Why is cordova version 11.0.0 failing to execute Ajax request with a readyState value of 0?

asked 2022-04-19 11:00:00 +0000

pufferfish gravatar image

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answered 2022-06-08 23:00:00 +0000

lalupa gravatar image

There could be several reasons why Cordova version 11.0.0 is failing to execute Ajax requests with a readyState value of 0. Some possible reasons include:

  1. CORS (Cross-Origin Resource Sharing) policy: The client-side JavaScript code may be trying to access a resource from a different domain or port than the one it was served from. This violates the same-origin policy, which is enforced by most modern browsers to prevent certain types of attacks. Cordova uses a WebView to display the app's UI, which is essentially a web browser, so it also enforces the same-origin policy. To allow cross-origin resource sharing, the server must include appropriate CORS headers in its responses. Alternatively, Cordova provides a plugin called cordova-plugin-whitelist that allows you to specify which domains your app is allowed to access.

  2. Network connectivity issues: The device may be offline or have limited Internet connectivity, which can cause Ajax requests to fail or timeout. Cordova provides a network-information plugin that allows you to check the device's connection status and react accordingly.

  3. Security restrictions: Some platforms may have additional security restrictions that prevent certain types of network requests or access to certain domains. For example, iOS has a feature called App Transport Security (ATS) that enforces secure connections (HTTPS) and limits access to some types of resources. Cordova provides a plugin called cordova-plugin-transport-security that allows you to configure ATS settings.

  4. JavaScript errors: There may be errors in the client-side JavaScript code that prevent the Ajax requests from executing properly. You can use debugging tools such as Chrome DevTools or Safari Web Inspector to inspect the JavaScript code and debug any errors.

  5. Cordova configuration issues: There may be issues with the Cordova configuration or plugins that prevent the Ajax requests from working properly. You can validate your configuration by running cordova requirements and checking for any missing dependencies or required settings. You can also remove any plugins that may be causing conflicts or upgrade to the latest versions of Cordova and plugins.

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Asked: 2022-04-19 11:00:00 +0000

Seen: 13 times

Last updated: Jun 08 '22