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What are the methods for troubleshooting System.TypeLoadException errors in .NET?

asked 2023-07-14 14:49:27 +0000

lakamha gravatar image

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answered 2023-07-14 14:59:01 +0000

scrum gravatar image
  1. Check the .NET Framework version: Ensure that the required .NET Framework version is installed on the machine, and the application is pointing to it.

  2. Check Assembly References: Check if all the required assemblies are present in the appropriate folders or locations.

  3. Check Corrupted Assembly: Verify that the assembly is not corrupted. If the assembly is signed, the signature may be invalid.

  4. Check Target Platform: Verify that the target platform (x86 or x64) matches the architecture of the assembly.

  5. Check Assembly Name: Ensure that the assembly name matches the one specified in the code.

  6. Check Dependencies: Verify if any dependencies are missing from the application or if they are present in the correct location.

  7. Check Environment Variables: Ensure that the environment variables are set correctly and perform a clean build of the application.

  8. Check GAC: Check if the assembly is present in the Global Assembly Cache (GAC).

  9. Check Culture Settings: Check if the culture (language setting) is set correctly, as it can affect assembly loading.

  10. Use Fusion Log Viewer: Use the Fusion Log Viewer tool to find more details on the assembly loading failure.

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Asked: 2023-07-14 14:49:27 +0000

Seen: 11 times

Last updated: Jul 14 '23