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How can GPA be calculated in Python using classes which involve credits and grades?

asked 2023-07-09 17:47:19 +0000

woof gravatar image

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answered 2023-07-09 17:52:01 +0000

plato gravatar image

Here is an example code to calculate GPA using classes in Python:

class Course:
    def __init__(self, name, credits, grade): = name
        self.credits = credits
        self.grade = grade

class Transcript:
    def __init__(self): = []

    def add_course(self, course):

    def get_gpa(self):
        total_quality_points = 0
        total_credits = 0

        for course in
            quality_points = self.get_quality_points(course.grade) * course.credits
            total_quality_points += quality_points
            total_credits += course.credits

        return total_quality_points / total_credits

    def get_quality_points(self, grade):
        if grade == 'A':
            return 4.0
        elif grade == 'A-':
            return 3.7
        elif grade == 'B+':
            return 3.3
        elif grade == 'B':
            return 3.0
        elif grade == 'B-':
            return 2.7
        elif grade == 'C+':
            return 2.3
        elif grade == 'C':
            return 2.0
        elif grade == 'C-':
            return 1.7
        elif grade == 'D+':
            return 1.3
        elif grade == 'D':
            return 1.0
        elif grade == 'F':
            return 0.0
            return None

# Example usage
cs101 = Course("Intro to Computer Science", 4, "B+")
math101 = Course("Calculus I", 3, "A")
eng101 = Course("Composition I", 3, "A-")

transcript = Transcript()

print("GPA: {:.2f}".format(transcript.get_gpa()))

In this example, we define two classes: Course and Transcript. Course represents a single course with its name, number of credits, and grade received. Transcript represents a collection of courses and provides a method to calculate the GPA.

The Transcript class has an add_course method to add a single course to the collection of courses. The get_gpa method calculates the total quality points and total credits, then divides the former by the latter to get the GPA. The get_quality_points method returns the number of quality points associated with a given letter grade.

The example code creates three instances of Course and adds them to an instance of Transcript. The get_gpa method is called on the Transcript instance and the resulting GPA is printed.

Note that this code only works for numeric grades, such as A, B+, C-, etc. If your school uses a different grading system, you will need to modify the get_quality_points method accordingly. Also note that this is a very simple implementation that doesn't take into account factors such as repeated courses or weightings for honors/advanced courses.

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Asked: 2023-07-09 17:47:19 +0000

Seen: 9 times

Last updated: Jul 09 '23