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Why isn't the ScrollView functioning properly when used within a StackLayout?

asked 2023-07-09 04:48:31 +0000

ladyg gravatar image

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answered 2023-07-09 05:07:01 +0000

lakamha gravatar image

The ScrollView may not function properly within a StackLayout because the StackLayout automatically sizes its children based on their content, which can lead to conflicts with the scrolling behavior of the ScrollView. The ScrollView needs to be able to expand to accommodate its content, but the StackLayout may limit its size. Additionally, if the ScrollView has multiple children, the StackLayout may not be able to properly handle the vertical scrolling behavior. To resolve this issue, it is recommended to either use a different layout container that allows for proper scrolling behavior, or to adjust the properties of the StackLayout and ScrollView to work together effectively.

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Asked: 2023-07-09 04:48:31 +0000

Seen: 8 times

Last updated: Jul 09 '23