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Why does multiprocessing array .get_lock function work on a certain computer but not on another?

asked 2023-07-08 00:38:22 +0000

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answered 2023-07-08 01:06:02 +0000

nofretete gravatar image

There can be several reasons why multiprocessing array .get_lock function works on one computer but not on another, including:

  1. Operating System Differences: The multiprocessing module uses different mechanisms for synchronization depending on the operating system. Some versions of Windows, for example, employ different synchronization mechanisms than Linux or macOS, which the multiprocessing module may not support or may behave differently on different systems.

  2. Python Interpreter Differences: The behavior of the multiprocessing module can sometimes vary between different versions of the Python interpreter. This can be due to differences in the implementation of the multiprocessing module or changes made to the module over time.

  3. Hardware Differences: The performance and behavior of multiprocessing code can depend on the hardware of the system it is running on. Differences in CPU architecture or other hardware components can lead to variations in the way multiprocessing code behaves.

  4. Other System Configurations: Other system configurations, such as differences in network or disk I/O, can also affect the behavior of the multiprocessing module. In some cases, differences in system load or resource usage can cause issues with multiprocessing code.

In order to determine the specific cause of a multiprocessing issue, it may be necessary to perform further analysis or testing on the affected systems. It may also be helpful to consult the documentation of the multiprocessing module or seek assistance from the Python community.

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Asked: 2023-07-08 00:38:22 +0000

Seen: 8 times

Last updated: Jul 08 '23