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How can the problem of Error R10 be resolved when deploying a Docker image to Heroku?

asked 2021-07-06 11:00:00 +0000

lalupa gravatar image

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answered 2023-04-05 18:00:00 +0000

ladyg gravatar image

Error R10 on Heroku means that the web dyno is crashing or failing to start within 60 seconds. Here are some steps that could help resolve the issue:

  1. Check the logs: Use the Heroku CLI to access the logs and look for any error messages that could explain why the dyno is crashing.

  2. Check the Procfile: Make sure the Procfile is properly configured and that it includes the command to run the web server.

  3. Check the port: Ensure that the web server is listening on the correct port that matches the one specified in the Procfile.

  4. Check the Dockerfile: Ensure that the Dockerfile is properly configured to include all the necessary dependencies and configurations required to run the application.

  5. Ensure the app is listening on all interfaces: Some web frameworks only bind to localhost by default. Change the binding to all interfaces using and process.env.PORT in the application code.

  6. Check the Heroku plan: Ensure that the app has enough resources allocated to it based on its usage.

  7. Check the Docker image: Ensure that the Docker image is uploaded to Heroku Container Registry with the correct tag name.

  8. Rebuild and redeploy: Try rebuilding and redeploying the Docker image to see if the issue is resolved.

If none of the above solutions fix the issue, consider contacting Heroku support for further assistance.

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Asked: 2021-07-06 11:00:00 +0000

Seen: 10 times

Last updated: Apr 05 '23