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My application cannot be executed on Windows 11 x64bit even though SDL2 has been successfully compiled.

asked 2023-06-24 14:25:11 +0000

bukephalos gravatar image

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answered 2023-06-24 14:27:02 +0000

qstack gravatar image

There are several possible reasons your application may not be executing on Windows 11 x64bit, even if SDL2 has been successfully compiled. Here are a few potential causes and solutions:

  1. Your application may not be compiled for x64bit architecture: Ensure that you have compiled your application for the x64bit architecture to match the Windows 11 operating system.

  2. The SDL2 library may not be linked properly: Double-check that the SDL2 library has been properly linked to your application. Make sure that the library is included in your project and that the correct version is being used.

  3. Dependencies may be missing or incompatible: Check if your application's dependencies are all present and compatible with Windows 11. Ensure that you are using the appropriate versions of libraries and other dependencies required by your application.

  4. Security policies or permissions may be blocking your application: Verify that your application's executable and the necessary files have sufficient permissions and are not being blocked by any security policies on the Windows 11 machine.

  5. Issues with the operating system itself: It's possible that there may be compatibility issues with Windows 11, in that case, you have to check the documentation and requirements for SDL2 with respect to Windows 11 or look for any updates or patches for SDL2 that may address the issue.

If none of the above solutions work, you may need to consult the SDL2 documentation, consult with other SDL2 users, or consult a developer experienced with the SDL2 library to solve the issue.

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Asked: 2023-06-24 14:25:11 +0000

Seen: 9 times

Last updated: Jun 24 '23