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What is the method to generate a nested tree structure in a table using JavaScript?

asked 2023-06-21 13:03:07 +0000

plato gravatar image

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answered 2023-06-21 13:14:02 +0000

nofretete gravatar image

There are different approaches to generating a nested tree structure in a table using JavaScript, depending on the specific requirements and data structure. One common method is to use a recursive function that iterates through a hierarchical data object and creates the corresponding HTML elements for each level of the tree. Here is an example of how to generate a nested tree structure in a table:

First, define a data object that represents the tree structure, with each node containing its own data and an array of child nodes:

let treeData = {
  name: "root",
  children: [{
    name: "child1",
    children: [{
      name: "grandchild1"
    }, {
      name: "grandchild2"
  }, {
    name: "child2",
    children: [{
      name: "grandchild3"
    }, {
      name: "grandchild4",
      children: [{
        name: "greatgrandchild1"

Then, define a function that recursively generates the HTML elements for each node and its descendants:

function generateTree(node) {
  let html = "";
  html += "<tr><td>" + + "</td></tr>";
  if (node.children) {
    node.children.forEach(child => {
      html += "<tr><td>";
      html += generateTree(child);
      html += "</td></tr>";
  return "<table>" + html + "</table>";

In this example, each node is represented as a row in a table with one cell, containing the node's name. If the node has children, the function recursively calls itself for each child and adds the resulting table to the cell. The end result is a nested structure of tables that represent the tree structure.

To generate the tree in a web page, call the function with the root node and add the resulting HTML to a container element:

let treeHtml = generateTree(treeData);
document.getElementById("treeContainer").innerHTML = treeHtml;

This creates a nested table structure in the element with ID "treeContainer" that reflects the hierarchy of the tree data object. The actual styling and layout of the table and its cells can be customized with CSS.

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Asked: 2023-06-21 13:03:07 +0000

Seen: 16 times

Last updated: Jun 21 '23