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Distinct actions of State and Transition in Spring Statemachine

asked 2023-06-21 03:02:56 +0000

huitzilopochtli gravatar image

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answered 2023-06-21 03:24:02 +0000

devzero gravatar image

Spring Statemachine is a powerful library for building state machines in Java applications. It provides two core concepts for defining state machines: States and Transitions.

States represent the current state of the state machine, and are defined using the State interface. States can have zero or more entry and exit actions, which are executed when the machine enters or exits the state.

Transitions represent the events that trigger the state machine to move from one state to another, and are defined using the Transition interface. Transitions can have zero or more actions, which are executed when the transition is triggered.

The main difference between States and Transitions is that States represent the current state of the state machine, while Transitions represent the events that trigger the machine to move between states. States can have many Transitions associated with them, while Transitions can only be associated with a single State.

Overall, both States and Transitions are important concepts in Spring Statemachine, and are used to define the behavior of the state machine. Understanding the distinct actions of these concepts is crucial for building effective and robust state machines in Java applications.

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Asked: 2023-06-21 03:02:56 +0000

Seen: 8 times

Last updated: Jun 21 '23