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How can the print function in assembly language be executed using DOSBox in the context of 8086 TASM?

asked 2021-12-25 11:00:00 +0000

lalupa gravatar image

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answered 2021-10-25 08:00:00 +0000

djk gravatar image

To execute the print function in assembly language using DOSBox in the context of 8086 TASM, you can follow these steps:

  1. Open DOSBox and navigate to the directory where your TASM assembly program is located.

  2. Type "tasm programname.asm" in the command prompt to assemble your program.

  3. Type "tlink programname.obj" in the command prompt to link your program.

  4. Type "programname.exe" in the command prompt to execute your program.

  5. In your assembly code, write the print function using the appropriate interrupts and registers. For example, to print a string, you would load the address of the string into the DX register and call interrupt 21h with AH set to 09h.

Here is an example program that prints a string:

.model small
message db 'Hello, World!', '$'
mov ah, 09h ; set interrupt 21h function to print string
mov dx, offset message ; load address of message into DX
int 21h ; call interrupt 21h
mov ah, 4Ch ; set interrupt 21h function to exit program
int 21h ; call interrupt 21h
end start
  1. Save your assembly code and assemble, link, and execute your program as described above.

  2. Your program should print the message "Hello, World!" and then exit.

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Asked: 2021-12-25 11:00:00 +0000

Seen: 15 times

Last updated: Oct 25 '21